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Archive live streams

If your live stream is less than 12 hours, YouTube can automatically archive it for you. This option applies to all types of live streams - including: Stream now, Events, Webcam, and Mobile. YouTube will also automatically archive streams of 1440p and 2160p (4K) video resolution. But, we recommend also recording a local archive as a backup. You can create highlight clips while your stream is still live.

Note that if your stream exceeds 12 hours, it may not be captured at all. 

Archive settings

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.

  2. On the left, click Videos.

  3. Click the Live tab.

    • To change your privacy setting, go to Visibility.

    • To delete the video, click More .

Note: On mobile live, you can edit privacy settings—including setting it to private—or delete the archive on the "My videos" page.

Stream now

To update archive settings:
  1. Visit
  2. Click Stream options.  
  3. Check the box for "Make archive unlisted when complete."       


To update archive settings:
  1. Visit
  2. Click Advanced settings.
  3. Check the box for "Automatically make archive unlisted once the stream has ended."


After your mobile live stream ends, you can edit privacy settings—including setting it to private—or delete the archive on the "My videos" page.


Note: You can also change the privacy of any live stream archive using the Videos page.
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I Streamed but I Can't Find My Video; Where Is It?

If you are unable to find the video on demand on an event that you streamed, there are a few possibilities for this.

Check all of your events. If you have multiple events on your account, it's possible the video you are looking for was accidentally streamed to a different event. If this is the case, you can download the clip and then upload it to the correct event.

Which option did you select when you stopped streaming? Every Livestream encoder provides three options when you stop a stream: Publish, Save as Draft, or Delete. The video on demand will only appear visible to your viewers if you selected Publish.

Make sure you are logged into your account. Then go to your event page and click the Editor icon. Click the Draft&PendingPosts indicator.

Any draft post will be listed here. Click the post to edit it.

Scroll down in the editor and select PublishImmediately, then click PostNow. Your video will now be published.

If you selected Delete when you finished streaming, the video archive of your stream is unfortunately lost and not recoverable by Livestream. However, if you used Livestream Producer or Livestream Studio to stream, by default an .mp4 of your stream saved onto your hard drive by default. Check your "Videos" (Windows) or "Movies" (Mac) folder.


Did you stream via RTMP? Check your settings. If you used a third-party encoder to stream to your event, you would have configured how your VOD is handled when you obtained your RTMP URL and Stream Key. In your event, go to the EditDrawer > LiveTools; scroll down to find the RTMP Input settings and click Get Link.

By default the stream key is configured to not save your VOD. If you want to save your VOD to Livestream when your broadcast ends, you must toggle on Save ended broadcast as video recording. Then to ensure the VOD is published to your event page, you must also check Auto-post video to event feed.

If your video did not save, check the stream key in your encoder. If ends with p=0, then the video will not save. The p=2 parameter will save it as a draft, and p=1 will publish the VOD.


Are you subscribed to a plan? Any event that was on a paid account at the time it was streamed, and then was canceled, will be deleted 30 days after the downgrade takes effect. Multiple emails are sent to the email address associated with the account in advance of this occurring. Please make sure to add to your contact list.

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5 Tips for Better Facebook Live Broadcasts

Thinking of going live on Facebook?

Wondering how to get the most out of your Facebook Live broadcast?

With Facebook Live, you can show your expertise in real time, take people behind the scenes, and much more.

In this article, you’ll discover five tips to succeed with your next Facebook Live broadcast.

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#1: Promote Before You Broadcast

Facebook Live allows you to target your personal network, the fans of a business page (if you’re an admin), a group, or an event. If you can’t find a group or event to meet your needs, consider starting one.

It’s important to let your audience know about your upcoming live video with news feed posts. Experiment with images and perhaps even a short video to tell them about the bigger video to come.

If your live video is important enough, you can boost your announcement posts as paid Facebook ads. Then, remind your audience again right before you go live.

For example, here’s how NASA Earth promotes upcoming live videos in their news feed and encourages interactions.

Don’t forget about the world outside of Facebook. Invite your blog readers, email subscribers, and followers from other networks. Include a link to your account, business page, group, or event.

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#2: Prepare and Practice

Before you broadcast your live video, you need to do some preparation to ensure that viewers will be able to hear you clearly without distraction, follow your future broadcasts, and participate.

Set Up Your Location

Here are some tips for optimizing the location and setup for your live video:

  • Try to minimize background and ambient noise. While users will expect the production quality to be a bit raw and unrehearsed, be sure that they can see and hear you without undue distractions.
  • Decide whether to hold the phone yourself or use some type of mount. You could also delegate the job to a co-worker. For the live video, you can use either the front- or rear-facing camera.
  • Choose a spot that has a strong broadband connection.

Facebook recommends that live videos last at least 10 minutes, but you can go as long as 90 minutes.

Tip: Forward your calls to avoid distractions during your broadcast.

Set a Policy for Instant Feedback

Two new Facebook Live featuresallow viewers to provide feedback and ask you questions during the broadcast. They can click on the same six emoji reactions that replaced the simple like back in February. These will appear for a few seconds onscreen; Facebook compares them to applause and boos.

Users can also comment during the video, so you should decide in advance how and when you will acknowledge your audience. Facebook recommends that you address commenters by name and make it clear how much you appreciate their involvement. If you need to block a user, click on the profile picture next to their comment and select Block.

Note that when the video is replayed, the comments will appear at the same point they did during the live event.

Do a Practice Video

Before you use Facebook Live for the first time, consider doing a practice run. To get all of the practice time you need, set Facebook’s Who Should See This? privacy setting to Only Me. You’ll see the live video exactly as it will appear, but no one else will.

If you’re having trouble changing the privacy setting from the mobile app, open your desktop or laptop and set your preferences at Your changes will be integrated automatically by the app.

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Remember, Facebook doesn’t allow business pages to post to a group or event, so you’ll need to use a personal account in those instances. You can remind your audience about your company association in posts and during the video.

To launch your live video, open the Facebook app and go to the personal, business, group, or event page that you want to target. Tap to start a new post and look for the Live icon at the bottom of the screen. In Android, the Live icon is at the far right.

Tap the Live icon and then provide a short description of your video. Put on your SEO hat and create a catchy description that humans will like and that algorithms will be able to parse successfully.

Don’t forget to change the setting back to Public when you’re done.

#3: Be Personable

When you’re ready to broadcast to your audience, start by relaxing, and don’t forget to smile. Make yourself comfortable and the audience will follow. You don’t need to give people a 60 Minutes-level production, but you do need to give them a reason to like you.

Introduce yourself and your company and tell the audience what you plan to cover. Unlike a prerecorded YouTube video, viewers will have no idea of the time commitment involved so help manage their expectations. Encourage comments and other feedback. You’ll be able to see how many viewers you have at any time.

Important: Be sure to end your live video with a call to action and tell your audience a bit about your plans for the next video. Ask them to share the archived copy of the video that will be in the timeline. Make sure that they can easily contact you with any follow-up questions.

#4: Optimize Your Live Recording

Facebook Live videos are immediately archived, and it’s quite common for archive views to exceed live views.

Add a post-show comment thanking everyone again for watching. Encourage further comments and questions to get more news feed activity and engagement.

You can edit some of the metadata of the video and change the thumbnail. Click on the date stamp (which also acts as a permalink that you can use for sharing), click on Options, and select Edit This Video. You’ll probably need to do this from, especially if you’re using the Android app.

You can change the thumbnail, add or change the location and date, provide a longer description, and select a category. Nobody is sure how Facebook’s video search function will evolve, but these common-sense measures should help your video get discovered.

#5: Analyze the Results

Facebook added two new metrics for live videos. You’ll be able to see the total number of people who watched at least a portion of the video, along with a running count of how many viewers you had at different points in time.

The Audience Retention metric could assist your plans for the length of future videos. Given the attention that Facebook Live is getting, there should be future releases of analytics that provide even more data about the interests and demographics of viewers.

Experiment with your next live video. Try a different day of the week or time, modify your approach, and perhaps add a second person on camera. The great thing about video is that there are so many ways to approach it.


Twitter, Snapchat, and now Facebook have all realized the effectiveness of live video. Facebook is putting a huge emphasis on live video, and they offer the biggest audience. Social media marketers who invest now in live video are essentially partnering with Facebook and stand to see significant long-term gains in their social marketing.

What do you think? Have you used Facebook Live video? What tips can you share? Please share your thoughts and plans in the comments below!

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Tags: Facebook, Facebook Live

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