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All Screen Android app Archives

Get Gmail to Stop Archiving and Start Deleting

The Delete action moves the selected message to the Trash area, where it stays for 30 days before it is permanently deleted. If you do not want to wait that long to dump your mail trash, tap the three-lined menu icon in the top-left corner of the Gmail app, select the Trash icon on the left and tap the Empty Trash Now button at the top of the mailbox window.

To make the Gmail app delete unwanted messages instead of archiving them when you swipe the screen, tap the Menu icon, scroll down the left pane of the window, select Settings and choose General Settings on the next screen. Tap “Swipe actions” and for “Left swipe” select “Delete.” If you want to be warned when deleting messages, select “Confirm before deleting” on the General Settings screen.

The steps for changing the setting in the Gmail app for iOS are similar. On the Settings screen, scroll down to “Swipe actions” and for “Left swipe,” select “Trash.”

As for messages that were archived instead of deleted, you can find them by opening the Menu icon and selecting All Mail. Here, you can swipe each message to delete it. If you want to dig up messages from certain people or on specific topics you no longer care about, you can use search operators to round up mail that matches very specific criteria. For example, the search string -in:inbox -has:userlabel” seeks out messages that are not in your inbox and do not have any custom labels you may have used to sort your incoming mail.

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Build and release an iOS app

This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough of releasing a Flutter app to the App Store and TestFlight.


Before beginning the process of releasing your app, ensure that it meets Apple’s App Review Guidelines.

In order to publish your app to the App Store, you must first enroll in the Apple Developer Program. You can read more about the various membership options in Apple’s Choosing a Membership guide.

Register your app on App Store Connect

Manage your app’s life cycle on App Store Connect (formerly iTunes Connect). You define your app name and description, add screenshots, set pricing, and manage releases to the App Store and TestFlight.

Registering your app involves two steps: registering a unique Bundle ID, and creating an application record on App Store Connect.

For a detailed overview of App Store Connect, see the App Store Connect guide.

Register a Bundle ID

Every iOS application is associated with a Bundle ID, a unique identifier registered with Apple. To register a Bundle ID for your app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the App IDs page of your developer account.
  2. Click + to create a new Bundle ID.
  3. Enter an app name, select Explicit App ID, and enter an ID.
  4. Select the services your app uses, then click Continue.
  5. On the next page, confirm the details and click Register to register your Bundle ID.

Create an application record on App Store Connect

Register your app on App Store Connect:

  1. Open App Store Connect in your browser.
  2. On the App Store Connect landing page, click My Apps.
  3. Click + in the top-left corner of the My Apps page, then select New App.
  4. Fill in your app details in the form that appears. In the Platforms section, ensure that iOS is checked. Since Flutter does not currently support tvOS, leave that checkbox unchecked. Click Create.
  5. Navigate to the application details for your app and select App Information from the sidebar.
  6. In the General Information section, select the Bundle ID you registered in the preceding step.

For a detailed overview, see Add an app to your account.

Review Xcode project settings

This step covers reviewing the most important settings in the Xcode workspace. For detailed procedures and descriptions, see Prepare for app distribution.

Navigate to your target’s settings in Xcode:

  1. In Xcode, open in your app’s folder.
  2. To view your app’s settings, select the Runner project in the Xcode project navigator. Then, in the main view sidebar, select the Runner target.
  3. Select the General tab.

Verify the most important settings.

In the Identity section:


Note: Flutter versions prior to 1.18.0-10.0.pre do not support changing the display name to anything other than . For more information, see Issue 41793.

The App ID you registered on App Store Connect.

In the Signing & Capabilities section:

Whether Xcode should automatically manage app signing and provisioning. This is set by default, which should be sufficient for most apps. For more complex scenarios, see the Code Signing Guide.
Select the team associated with your registered Apple Developer account. If required, select Add Account…, then update this setting.

In the Deployment Info section:

The minimum iOS version that your app supports. Flutter supports iOS 8.0 and later. If your app includes Objective-C or Swift code that makes use of APIs that were unavailable in iOS 8, update this setting appropriately.

The General tab of your project settings should resemble the following:

For a detailed overview of app signing, see Create, export, and delete signing certificates.

Updating the app’s name

In the main view sidebar, select the file. Rename the Bundle name field.

Updating the app’s version number

The default version number of the app is . To update it, navigate to the file and update the following line:

The version number is three numbers separated by dots, such as in the example above, followed by an optional build number such as in the example above, separated by a .

Both the version and the build number may be overridden in Flutter’s build by specifying and , respectively.

In iOS, uses while uses . Read more about iOS versioning at Core Foundation Keys on the Apple Developer’s site.

Add an app icon

When a new Flutter app is created, a placeholder icon set is created. This step covers replacing these placeholder icons with your app’s icons:

  1. Review the iOS App Icon guidelines.
  2. In the Xcode project navigator, select in the folder. Update the placeholder icons with your own app icons.
  3. Verify the icon has been replaced by running your app using .

Create a build archive

This step covers creating a build archive and uploading your build to App Store Connect.

During development, you’ve been building, debugging, and testing with debug builds. When you’re ready to ship your app to users on the App Store or TestFlight, you need to prepare a release build. At this point, you might consider obfuscating your Dart code to make it more difficult to reverse engineer. Obfuscating your code involves adding a couple flags to your build command.

On the command line, follow these steps in your application directory:

  1. Run to create a release build ( defaults to ).
  2. To ensure that Xcode refreshes the release mode configuration, close and re-open your Xcode workspace. For Xcode 8.3 and later, this step is not required.

In Xcode, configure the app version and build:

  1. In Xcode, open in your app’s folder.
  2. Select Product > Scheme > Runner.
  3. Select Product > Destination > Generic iOS Device.
  4. Select Runner in the Xcode project navigator, then select the Runner target in the settings view sidebar.
  5. In the Identity section, update the Version to the user-facing version number you wish to publish.
  6. In the Identity section, update the Build identifier to a unique build number used to track this build on App Store Connect. Each upload requires a unique build number.

Finally, create a build archive and upload it to App Store Connect:

  1. Select Product > Archive to produce a build archive.
  2. In the sidebar of the Xcode Organizer window, select your iOS app, then select the build archive you just produced.
  3. Click the Validate App button. If any issues are reported, address them and produce another build. You can reuse the same build ID until you upload an archive.
  4. After the archive has been successfully validated, click Distribute App. You can follow the status of your build in the Activities tab of your app’s details page on App Store Connect.

You should receive an email within 30 minutes notifying you that your build has been validated and is available to release to testers on TestFlight. At this point you can choose whether to release on TestFlight, or go ahead and release your app to the App Store.

For more details, see Upload an app to App Store Connect.

Release your app on TestFlight

TestFlight allows developers to push their apps to internal and external testers. This optional step covers releasing your build on TestFlight.

  1. Navigate to the TestFlight tab of your app’s application details page on App Store Connect.
  2. Select Internal Testing in the sidebar.
  3. Select the build to publish to testers, then click Save.
  4. Add the email addresses of any internal testers. You can add additional internal users in the Users and Roles page of App Store Connect, available from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.

For more details, see Distribute an app using TestFlight.

Release your app to the App Store

When you’re ready to release your app to the world, follow these steps to submit your app for review and release to the App Store:

  1. Select Pricing and Availability from the sidebar of your app’s application details page on App Store Connect and complete the required information.
  2. Select the status from the sidebar. If this is the first release of this app, its status is 1.0 Prepare for Submission. Complete all required fields.
  3. Click Submit for Review.

Apple notifies you when their app review process is complete. Your app is released according to the instructions you specified in the Version Release section.

For more details, see Distribute an app through the App Store.


The Distribute your app guide provides a detailed overview of the process of releasing an app to the App Store.

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5 Android Messages features you should start using

The Google Android Messages app is one of the finest ways to send and receive text messages. It's even ready for the future with RCS standard support and ample features. You might not even realize all the neat things you can do with Android Messages, so here are the five best.

Further reading: The best Android phones

Add a message subject

A standard text message doesn't have a lot of features, but there are some little-known tweaks you can make in Messages. Instead of just tapping Send, long-press it. That brings up two things in the compose field: You can add a title to your message by tapping in the new field and entering text. This makes the message behave like an MMS, but it should load normally on the recipient's phone as there's no photo or other media attached.

Archive old threads

After a few months, your text message list is probably going to be something of a mess, littered with threads you haven't touched in ages. Android Messages lets you get rid of them without really getting rid of them. You can archive old threads to get them out of the way, but still restore them if necessary. Just long-press to select multiple conversations and tap the archive button at the top of the screen. You can also swipe left or right on a conversation in the main list to archive it. Go to Menu > Archived to see those conversations and restore them if needed.

Block numbers

Not everyone you encounter in life will be pleasant. Android Messages makes it easy to block your frenemies and spam numbers. Long-press on a conversation to select it, then tap the block button (circle with a strikethrough) at the top. This prevents messages and calls from that contact from going through.

Note: Blocking a contact deletes the conversation, so don't block someone if you'll need to see the thread again later.

If you want to remove a block, go to Menu > Blocked contacts. Tap the X next to the contact you want to unblock to receive messages again. 

Attach money, locations and more

You probably know that Android Messages lets you add stickers and photos to a conversation, but there's more hiding in that menu. Tap the plus button in a conversation, and you get a list of stickers and other fun stuff. Scroll down, and you'll get to the good stuff. You can add your location, a voice note, and even send or request money via Google Pay. You need to grant location access to enjoy these features. Note, too, that Google Pay works in one-on-one conversations only after you've set up the Pay app.

Use the widgets

If SMS is still your primary way of communicating with your contacts, using an Android Messages widget can be a real timesaver. There are no settings in the app to clue you into into the widgets' existence, but you'll find it in your home screen widget list. There are actually two different widget options: one that shows the most recent message in all your conversations, and another that shows a single conversation of your choice. The single conversation version also has a pop-up composition box to send new messages.

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