Atom VPN For PC Archives

Atom VPN For PC Archives

Atom VPN For PC Archives

Atom VPN For PC Archives

Schneier on Security

Clive Robinson • July 17, 2020 2:44 AM

@ echo,

Why is every women’s IT conference about women’s subjective experience in the workplace and complaining about being sidelined? I’m left screaming “Where’s the IT?”

I suspect the reason when you get to the bottom of it is “economic security”.

That is at times of economic unrest which we have been in since before Financial Crisis One (FC1) every one in ICT is looking over their shoulders as to who is going to get that Human Resources chat before being escorted of the premises.

Put simply managment view ICT as a necessary evil to do business but also as sunk costs, which is money they would rather use for other things. We’ve seen the SysAdmin industry go from self taught experts who could get the best out of every bit of kit to “button push kids” who have lots of certificates from the equipment suppliers. As these are now more numerous than “mailroom workers” various people thing that they should be paid the same…

The more recent change is not industry issued qualifications but academic issued qualifications. Whilst I have the latter I nolonger have the former. In theory academic qualifications are not just independent but have depth and breadth as well as a research element. This has evened up the equitable pay issue, as some ICT people are more highly qualified than the managers, and some have even got themselves business qualifications as well.

Thus unsuprisingly people who are not just well qualified but quite inteligent want more equitable renumeration and can get with a little care and hard barganing get it. However the more traditional managment see them as little more than “blue collar workers”. Understabdably this creates both tennsion and unrest.

Without going into the whys of which there are many women are generaly more vulnerable not just in the work place but in society and legaly as well, and quite rightly many women feel that it is wrong.

Thus women in ICT genuinely have good reason to fear the uncertainty and what it does to their “economic security”.

But confrence organizers likewise have their own worries not just in these times of economic unrest but more so in that they have to invest quite heavily up front for venues etc. Thus they are going to be keen to get people through the door which means that in reality they have to appeal to “common denominator thinking” to ensure their own economic security.

One of the reasons I stopped attending conferences and seminars was they were all becoming “shows” to push product etc. Whilst I can understand the desire to do this it’s also my money and time I’m investing. Thus as I was not getting what I thought was a fair deal I found better things to do with my time and money.

It’s interesting to note that most of those conferences and seminars now nolonger exist. I suspect the reason was that they tried to “over profit” and as a result others “voted with their feet” and stopped going due to lack of relevance, thus a tipping point was reached…

Which is what has happened in the UK and one of the results is the UK Government has to do as it’s told by everyone if it hopes to reach trade deals, which I suspect are going to be very unfavourable no matter how hard the polititions “polish the turd” that is the mess the UK is now in and they will not stop digging to make it worse… Thus the recent anouncment made about a certain Chinese Telco[1].

Which brings us back to communications security,

I feel the basic technicalities, what the manual says, and the role of a VPN are no different in practice to other systems which require secure endpoints.

A VPN when all is said and done is a “Shannon Channel” which fundementally makes it little different to two tin cans and a tight bit of thin string between them. Historicaly it’s purpose was not security but dependable traffic managment to ensure “Quality of Service” between two points. At some point people wanted to route traffic from one point of their organisation to another across private networks on leased lines from public entities. For some people the lack of “security” worried them so they developed “armouring” one such way was to use two “Bastion Hosts” and “stunnle” or similar.

But as with all usefull things people wanted to use it for other reasons so the goal posts kept moving with the resultant “feature creep and non standardisation”. Thus somebody put forwared the idea if IPsec which instead of making things simpler made them worse a lot worse especially when VPN’s got routed across other VPN’s and similar.

One upshot is that VPN’s are frequently not “point to point”. That is one end of the VPN is inside the organisation and there are ten or more “remote clients” out in the Internet somewhere, often without fixed IP addresses.

Few people can instinctively get their heads around the implications of this and with manufacturers trying to make their products easier to use actually make things a lot worse, almost back to the mayhem prior to IPsec.

Which brings me back to the point about manufacturers qualifications. Managing complexity effectively is not something humans are particularly good at. So manufacturers impose their idea of what is required and build it into “push button” tools. There is no agrement between manufacturers as to the “what and the how” of their tools, in fact it’s seen as being in their interests not to. Thus to get two different manufacturers kit to talk has often ment throwing the tools away and dealing with very raw low level interfaces which again are not standard. Finding out how to do this is not something the manufacturers realy want you doing for a whole host of reasons not least of which is changing the low level interface without warning. Thus things get broken, sometimes invisibly.

But at the end of the day, having a VPN into an organisation with the other end being open to the Internet is not the best of ideas, but the drive to reduce costs makes this inevitable. Likewise the same cost reduction drive means skilled labour is replaced with what is effectively unskilled labour “following a recipie book” to get a solution and frequently failing to do what is actually required. Especially when those involved realy do not understand security at a fundemental level, something you only sometimes get on academic courses, not manufacturers training…

[1] The latest reasoning is as ludicrous as previous reasoning and none of the accusations or in this case illusions actually hold any water. For instance most antennas are pasive and even those such as “phased array” are not exactly going to have the ability to somehow mysteriously beam secrets to China. Likewise a lot of other equipment. Thus a spurious reason has been invented for US political purposes and it’s going to cost the UK upwards of 3-5billion dollars as well as forcing highly undesirable single source supply lines and the like which realy do threaten National Security.

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